Category: LouAnna’s Voice

It’s about to get really, real up in here!  I’m not sure I, or the internet, is ready for my honesty but I’m going to be bold, brave, and myself.  Here’s where I’ll share my thoughts on life, in general.  I’m a pretty positive person who’s been through a lot of crap in her life.  I will share personal things, insights, struggles, clarity, things I’m interested in, etc.  I want you to see yourself in my story.  I want to be a shameful, truth-teller (even though it will scare me to be so) so that you can feel safe to do the same.  I will cheer you on, lift you up, and love you to death.  And if I’m very lucky, I’ll get to hear your story, as well Dear One.

Long time, no see!

Hi friends! It’s been a long time since I posted and I honestly didn’t give this blog the time or energy it needed. However, that ….

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